

日本尾西即食脫水飯糰 - 雜菜 Onisi Japan Onigiri Instant Rice Ball - Mixed Vegetable

日本尾西即食脫水飯糰 - 雜菜 Onisi Japan Onigiri Instant Rice Ball - Mixed Vegetable
日本尾西即食脫水飯糰 - 雜菜 Onisi Japan Onigiri Instant Rice Ball - Mixed Vegetable 日本尾西即食脫水飯糰 - 雜菜 Onisi Japan Onigiri Instant Rice Ball - Mixed Vegetable  日本尾西即食脫水飯糰 - 雜菜 Onisi Japan Onigiri Instant Rice Ball - Mixed Vegetable  日本尾西即食脫水飯糰 - 雜菜 Onisi Japan Onigiri Instant Rice Ball - Mixed Vegetable  日本尾西即食脫水飯糰 - 雜菜 Onisi Japan Onigiri Instant Rice Ball - Mixed Vegetable  日本尾西即食脫水飯糰 - 雜菜 Onisi Japan Onigiri Instant Rice Ball - Mixed Vegetable
日本尾西即食脫水飯糰 - 雜菜 Onisi Japan Onigiri Instant Rice Ball - Mixed Vegetable

原價: $48.00

Special Price $25.00

可用性: 有存貨

賞味期限 use by :Oct 2029

⭐️經冷凍乾燥處理,可以長期存放 (高達5年的保鮮期)
⭐️成份:糯米(日本產)、粳米(日本產)、幹調味料(食用植物油脂、醬油、砂糖、胡蘿蔔乾、油炸豆腐、幹牛蒡、乾香菇、魔芋、鹽 ) / 山梨糖醇, 調味料 (氨基酸), 氧化抑製劑 (維他命 E), (含有小麥和大豆)
Ingredients: Glutinous rice (Japan-grown), Non-Glutinous rice (Japan-grown), Dried seasoned ingredients (Edible vegetable fats and oils , Soy sauce, Sugar, Dried carrot, Deep fried tofu, Dried burdock, Dried Shiitake mushroom, Konnyaku, Salt) / Sorbitol, Seasoning (Amino acid), Oxidation inhibitor (Vitamin E), (Contain Wheat and Soy)
Net Weight 淨重:45g / Serving Weight 食用重量:104g
1) 打開包裝
2) 取出乾燥劑
3) 按包裝指示倒入熱水或冷水至滿水線
4) 封好包裝並按壓飯糰(約20下)以攪拌好米飯和配料
5) 靜候15分鐘(使用熱水時)或60分鐘(使用冷水時)
6) 輕壓飯糰糰至三角形飯糰狀
7) 按包裝指示撕開包裝袋, 即可享用
1) Open the package
2) Take out desicccant
3) Pour hot water into the bag until the mark inside
4) Close the zipper of the bag tightly and shake it well (about 20 times) to mix the rice and ingredients
5) Wait for 15mins (Hot water) or 60mins (15℃ water)
6) Hold it from the top of the bag and shape it according to the package photo of the rice ball.
7) Tear the package accordingly to the package instruction and enjoy it



日本尾西即食脫水飯糰 - 雜菜 Onisi Japan Onigiri Instant Rice Ball - Mixed Vegetable
⭐️經冷凍乾燥處理,可以長期存放 (高達5年的保鮮期)
⭐️成份:糯米(日本產)、粳米(日本產)、幹調味料(食用植物油脂、醬油、砂糖、胡蘿蔔乾、油炸豆腐、幹牛蒡、乾香菇、魔芋、鹽 ) / 山梨糖醇, 調味料 (氨基酸), 氧化抑製劑 (維他命 E), (含有小麥和大豆)
Ingredients: Glutinous rice (Japan-grown), Non-Glutinous rice (Japan-grown), Dried seasoned ingredients (Edible vegetable fats and oils , Soy sauce, Sugar, Dried carrot, Deep fried tofu, Dried burdock, Dried Shiitake mushroom, Konnyaku, Salt) / Sorbitol, Seasoning (Amino acid), Oxidation inhibitor (Vitamin E), (Contain Wheat and Soy)
Net Weight 淨重:45g / Serving Weight 食用重量:104g
1) 打開包裝
2) 取出乾燥劑
3) 按包裝指示倒入熱水或冷水至滿水線
4) 封好包裝並按壓飯糰(約20下)以攪拌好米飯和配料
5) 靜候15分鐘(使用熱水時)或60分鐘(使用冷水時)
6) 輕壓飯糰糰至三角形飯糰狀
7) 按包裝指示撕開包裝袋, 即可享用
1) Open the package
2) Take out desicccant
3) Pour hot water into the bag until the mark inside
4) Close the zipper of the bag tightly and shake it well (about 20 times) to mix the rice and ingredients
5) Wait for 15mins (Hot water) or 60mins (15℃ water)
6) Hold it from the top of the bag and shape it according to the package photo of the rice ball.
7) Tear the package accordingly to the package instruction and enjoy it

所謂Alpha米的『Alpha』,即意指米所含有的『澱粉狀態』。 米的70%~80%成分是由澱粉所組成。生澱粉(生米)直接食用的話並不美味,但是使其吸收水分並加熱後,就會變成既美味又好消化的澱粉。 它就是所謂的「Alpha化澱粉」。被Alpha化的米飯,經過急速乾燥去除水分後,並不會變回生澱粉,而會被持續保存在「Alpha化澱粉」的狀態。接著,再將這個Alpha米加入熱水或水,即使不用經過炊煮也能製造出既柔軟又美味的米飯。由於Alpha米重量輕盈且可長期存放,不只可做為應對災害的緊急保存食品,更可做為海外旅行者的攜帶糧食,以及登山者的登山攜帶食品等,用途相當廣泛。




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